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GHIL Lecture

Regina Toepfer

Homer’s Heroes in Early Modern Germany:

A Translational Anthropology

13 December 2023

(0:50 h)

GHIL Lecture

Regina Toepfer

Homer’s Heroes in Early Modern Germany:
A Translational Anthropology

GHIL Lecture, given 20 June 2023

In this lecture Regina Toepfer will present her concept of translational anthropology and show how philological comparisons can reveal patterns of thought, systems of knowledge, and values held by historical individuals and societies. She considers literary translations to be key anthropological texts and sees shifts in meaning between the source and target text not as aesthetic shortcomings, but as cultural gains.

This model will be presented through an analysis of the first translation of Homer into German in 1537/8. Simon Schaidenreisser’s Odyssee offers numerous insights into social norms, ideals, and difficult issues in the early modern period. For example, core ideas about poetry, politics, and religion, about morality, masculinity, and family, and about guilt, misfortune, and death are addressed in the invocation of the muse and the assembly of the gods at the beginning of Homer’s epic.