German Historical Institute London

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Further Publications


The GHIL is often associated with books that are not part of our established series. These books may not be published in-house, but are often linked to conferences or lectures held at the GHIL. 

All open access publications available for download on this page are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. The terms of use of all other open access publications listed here can be found via the publishers' websites.

Thyssen Lectures


Frederick Cooper

Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between

Machtbeziehungen in kolonialen Kontexten: Initiativen von oben, von unten und dazwischen

Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [3]

Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Klaus Bittner, 2024

ask librarian

Sebastian Conrad

Colonial Times, Global Times: History and Imperial World-Making

Koloniale Zeiten, globale Zeiten: Geschichtsschreibung und imperiale Weltgestaltung

Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [2]

Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Klaus Bittner, 2023


Sumathi Ramaswamy

Worlding India

Das Weltmachen Indiens

Thyssen Lectures 2022-2026. Science, Knowledge, and the Legacy of Empire. [1]

Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlug Klaus Bittner, 2023



Bulletin Supplements


Andreas Gestrich and Martin Stark (eds.)

Debtors, Creditors, and their Networks

Social Dimensions of Monetary Dependence from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century

German Historical Institute London Bulletin Supplement, Vol. 3

London 2015

Zs 180/Suppl. 3

Andreas Gestrich and Margrit Schulte-Beerbühl (eds.)

Cosmopolitan Networks in Commerce and Society


German Historical Institute London Bulletin Supplement, Vol. 2

London 2011

Zs 180/Suppl. 2

Indra Sengupta (ed.)

Memory, History, and Colonialism

Engaging with Pierre Nora in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts

German Historical Institute London Bulletin Supplement, Vol. 1

London 2009

Zs 180/Suppl. 1


House publications


Regina Pörtner (ed.)

Research on British History in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1998-2000

An Annotated Bibliography

Research on British History in the Federal Republic of Germany. 5

London : German Historical Institute London, 2002


Andreas Fahrmeir (ed.)

Research on British History in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1995-1997

An Annotated Bibliography

Research on British History in the Federal Republic of Germany. 4

London : German Historical Institute London, 1998


Ulrike Jordan (ed,)

Research on British History in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1989-1994

An Annotated Bibliography

Research on British History in the Federal Republic of Germany. 3

London : German Historical Institute London, 1996


Otto Gerhard Oexle

The British Roots of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

London: German Historical Institute London, 1995


Adolf Matthias Birke

Britain’s Influence on the West German Constitution

London: German Historical Institute London, 1995


Gerhard A. Ritter

Big Science in Germany

Past and Present

London: German Historical Institute London, 1994


Adolf M. Birke and Eva A. Mayring (eds.)

Britische Besatzung in Deutschland

Aktenerschliessung und Forschungsfelder

London: German Historical Institute London, 1992


Gerhard A. Ritter

The New Social History in the Federal Republic of Germany

London: German Historical Institute London, 1991


Adolf Matthias Birke

Britain and Germany

Historical Patterns of a Relationship

London: German Historical Institute London, 1987


Wolfgang Justin Mommsen

Two Centuries of Anglo-German Relations

A Reappraisal

London: German Historical Institute London, 1984



Further publications


Graham A. Loud and Jochen Schenk (eds.)

The Origins of the German Principalities 1100–1350
Essays by German Historians

[In association with the German Historical Institute London]

London ; New York : Routledge, 2017

ask librarian

Bridget Heal and Anorthe Kremers (eds.)

Radicalism and Dissent in the World of Protestant Reform

[Conference publication: 'The Protestant Reformation and Its Radical Critiques', held at the GHIL, Sept. 2016]

Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017


Beate Althammer, Lutz Raphael, and Tamara Stazic-Wendt (eds.)

Rescuing the Vulnerable
Poverty, Welfare and Social Ties in Modern Europe

International Studies in Social History. Vol. 27

New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2016


Andreas Gestrich and Michael Schaich (eds.)

The Hanoverian Succession
Dynastic Politics and Monarchical Culture

[Conference publication: 'Dynastic Politics, Monarchical Representation and the Union between Hanover and Britain', held at the GHIL, Oct. 2012]

Farnham: Ashgate, 2015


Riccardo Bavaj and Martina Steber (eds.)

Germany and 'the West'
The History of a Modern Concept

[Conference publication: 'German Images of "the West" in the "long 19th century"', held at the GHIL, July 2009]

New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015


Martina Steber and Bernhard Gotto (eds.)

Visions of Community in Nazi Germany
Social Engineering and Private Lives

[Conference publication: 'German Society in the Nazi Era: "Volksgemeinschaft" between Ideological Projection and Social Practice', GHIL, Mar. 2010]

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014


Helmut Bley and Anorthe Kremers (eds.)

The World during the First World War
Perceptions, Experiences and Consequences

[Originated from the conference jointly organised by the GHIL, held at Herrenhausen, Oct. 2013]

Berlin: Klartext, 2014


Ludwig Vogl-Bienek and Richard Crangle (eds.)

Screen Culture and the Social Question

Kintop Studies in Early Cinema. Vol. 3 [also conference held at the GHIL, Dec. 2011]

New Barnet: John Libbey, 2013


Lothar Kettenacker and Torsten Riotte (eds.)

The Legacies of Two World Wars
European Societies in the Twentieth Century

[In Association with the German Historical Institute, London]

New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2011


Werner Paravicini (ed.)

Luxus und Integration
Materielle Hofkultur Westeuropas vom 12. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert

[Im Auftr. des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London]

Munich: Oldenbourg, 2010


Dominik Geppert and Udo Wengst (eds.)

Neutralität: Chance oder Chimäre?
Konzepte für Deutschland und die Welt 1945–1990

[Im Auftr. des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London und des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin]

Munich: Oldenbourg, 2005


Sabine Freitag (ed.)

Exiles from European Revolutions
Refugees in Mid-Victorian England

[Published in Association with the German Historical Institute London]

New York: Berghahn Books, 2003


Peter Alter (ed.)

Out of the Third Reich
Refugee Historians in Post-War Britain

[The German Historical Institute London]

London, New York: Tauris, 1998


Ulrike Jordan (ed.)

Conditions of Surrender
Britons and Germans Witness the End of the War

Tauris Academic Studies / International Library of Historical Studies. Vol. 8

London: Tauris, 1997


Hermann J. Hiery and John M. Mackenzie (eds.)

European Impact and Pacific Influence
British and German Colonial Policy in the Pacific Islands and the Indigenous Response

Tauris Academic Studies / International Library of Historical Studies. Vol. 7

London: Tauris, 1997


Dagmar Engels and Shula Marks (eds.)

Contesting Colonial Hegemony
State and Society in Africa and India

[The German Historical Institute London]

London, New York: British Academic Press, 1993


Günther Heydemann und Lothar Kettenacker (eds.)

Kirchen in der Diktatur
Drittes Reich und SED-Staat. Fünfzehn Beiträge

[Eine Publikation des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London]

Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993


Adolf M. Birke, Hans Booms, Otto Merker (eds.)

Akten der britischen Militärregierung in Deutschland = Control Commission for Germany, British Element
Sachinventar 1945–1955 = Inventory 1945–1955

unter Mitwirkung von, in co-operation with: Deutsches Historisches Institut London, Niedersächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover

München [etc.]: Saur, 1993


Stig Förster, Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Ronald Robinson (eds.)

Bismarck, Europe, and Africa
The Berlin Africa Conference 1884–1885 and the Onset of Partition

[The German Historical Institute London]

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988


Peter Alter

The Reluctant Patron
Science and the State in Britain 1850–1920

[The German Historical Institute London]

Oxford, Hamburg, New York: Berg Publishers, 1987

Uh.4/1000 a

Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Jürgen Osterhammel (eds.)

Max Weber and his Contemporaries

[The German Historical Institute London]

London: Allen & Unwin, 1987

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Ralph Uhlig

Die Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft 1949–1983
Der Beitrag ihrer 'Königswinter-Konferenzen' zur britisch-deutschen Verständigung

[Eine Publ. des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London]

Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986


Gerhard Hirschfeld (ed.); with an Introduction by Wolfgang J. Mommsen

The Policies of Genocide
Jews and Soviet Prisoners of War in Nazi Germany

[The German Historical Institute London]

London [etc.]: Allen & Unwin, 1986


Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Jürgen Osterhammel (eds.)

Imperialism and After
Continuities and Discontinuities

[The German Historical Institute London]

London: Allen & Unwin, 1986


Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Hans-Gerhard Husung (eds.)

The Development of Trade Unionism in Great Britain and Germany, 1880–1914

[The German Historical Institute London]

London [etc.]: Allen & Unwin, 1985

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Josef Foschepoth, Rolf Steininger (eds.)

Die britische Deutschland- und Besatzungspolitik 1945–1949

[Eine Veröffentlichung des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London]

Paderborn: Schöningh, 1985


Peter Blickle, Hans-Christoph Rublack, Winfried Schulze ; ed. by Kaspar von Greyer ; with an Introduction by Wolfgang J. Mommsen

Religion, Politics and Social Protest
Three Studies on Early Modern Germany

[The German Historical Institute London]

London [etc.]: Allen & Unwin, 1985


Kaspar von Greyerz (ed.)

Religion and Society in Early Modern Europe 1500–1800

[The German Historical Institute London]

London: Allen & Unwin, 1984


Gerhard Hirschfeld (ed.)

Exile in Great Britain
Refugees from Hitler’s Germany

[The German Historical Institute London]

Leamington Spa: Berg Publishers; New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1984

Sh.4/1400 a

Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Lothar Kettenacker (eds.)

The Fascist Challenge and the Policy of Appeasement

[The German Historical Institute London]

London [etc.]: Allen & Unwin, 1983


Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Gerhard Hirschfeld (eds.)

Social Protest, Violence and Terror in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe

[The German Historical Institute London]

London, Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with Berg Publishers, 1982

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W.J. Mommsen in collaboration with Wolfgang Mock (eds.)

The Emergence of the Welfare State in Britain and Germany, 1850–1950

[The German Historical Institute London]

London: Croom Helm, 1981

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