GHIL Podcast
Welcome to the podcast of the German Historical Institute London. In each podcast episode, ranging from interviews to lecture recordings, we take a look at historical research from different periods and areas. Subscribe to our podcast to learn more about our research and work at the GHIL.
Selected lectures and events are available as audio files. You can either download these files directly or subscribe to the GHIL podcast. Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, recordings have been made remotely by the speakers using the technical equipment available, resulting in variable sound quality.
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Latest Episodes

Special lecture
Roland Wenzlhuemer
Raise, Reuse, Recycle
Global History and Marine Salvage in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Royal History Society Lecture
24 January 2025
, 0:49 h

Special lecture
Roland Wenzlhuemer
Raise, Reuse, Recycle
Global History and Marine Salvage in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century

Julia Angster and Kim König
Globalization: a threat to democracy?
18 November 2024
, 0:20 h

GHIL Joint Lecture
Julia Angster
Globalization, Democracy, and the Nation State in Germany after 1990
18 November 2024
, 0:42 h

GHIL Joint Lecture
Julia Angster
Globalization, Democracy, and the Nation State in Germany after 1990

Thyssen Lecture
Frederick Cooper
Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between
21 October 2024
, 0:49 h

Thyssen Lecture
Frederick Cooper
Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between

GHIL Lecture
Matthias Pohlig
Religious Decision-Making in the Reformation
16 September 2024
, 0:58 h

Matthias Pohlig, Michael Schaich and Kim König
Catholic or Protestant in the Reformation
A simple choice?
16 September 2024
, 0:21 h

Matthias Pohlig, Michael Schaich and Kim König
Catholic or Protestant in the Reformation
A simple choice?
Previous episodes

Julia Angster and Kim König
Globalization: a threat to democracy?
18 November 2024
, 0:20 h

GHIL Joint Lecture
Julia Angster
Globalization, Democracy, and the Nation State in Germany after 1990
18 November 2024
, 0:42 h

GHIL Joint Lecture
Julia Angster
Globalization, Democracy, and the Nation State in Germany after 1990

Thyssen Lecture
Frederick Cooper
Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between
21 October 2024
, 0:49 h

Thyssen Lecture
Frederick Cooper
Understanding Power Relations in a Colonial Context: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, In-Between

GHIL Lecture
Matthias Pohlig
Religious Decision-Making in the Reformation
16 September 2024
, 0:58 h

Matthias Pohlig, Michael Schaich and Kim König
Catholic or Protestant in the Reformation
A simple choice?
16 September 2024
, 0:21 h

Matthias Pohlig, Michael Schaich and Kim König
Catholic or Protestant in the Reformation
A simple choice?

Radhika Singha, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
Criminology and 'scientific' penology in India, 1894-1955
1 August 2024
, 0:16 h

Radhika Singha, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
Criminology and 'scientific' penology in India, 1894-1955

GHIL Lecture
Radhika Singha
International Penology in Colonial India: Too Advanced, Too American, Too Expensive?
1 August 2024
, 0:43 h

GHIL Lecture
Radhika Singha
International Penology in Colonial India: Too Advanced, Too American, Too Expensive?

GHIL Joint Lecture
Stefanie Middendorf
Societies under Siege: Experiencing States of Emergency in the Long Twentieth Century
20 June 2024
, 0:49 h

GHIL Joint Lecture
Stefanie Middendorf
Societies under Siege: Experiencing States of Emergency in the Long Twentieth Century

Stefanie Middendorf, Clemens Villinger and Kim König
States of Emergency and the Social Dimensions of Administrative Agency
20 June 2024
, 0:13 h

Stefanie Middendorf, Clemens Villinger and Kim König
States of Emergency and the Social Dimensions of Administrative Agency

Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Pascale Siegrist and Kim König
Federations, constitutions and the German Basic Law
23 May 2024
, 0:13 h

Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Pascale Siegrist and Kim König
Federations, constitutions and the German Basic Law

GHIL Lecture
Eva Marlene Hausteiner
Should Federations be Made to Last?
23 May 2024
, 0:35 h

Thyssen Lecture
Sebastian Conrad
Colonial Times, Global Times: History and Imperial World-Making
1 May 2024
, 0:50 h

Thyssen Lecture
Sebastian Conrad
Colonial Times, Global Times: History and Imperial World-Making

Philipp Rössner, Marcus Meer and Kim König
Bad pennies and revolting peasants:
a monetary examination of the Peasants' War
2 April 2024
, 0:19 h

Philipp Rössner, Marcus Meer and Kim König
Bad pennies and revolting peasants:
a monetary examination of the Peasants' War

GHIL Lecture
Philipp Rössner
Peasants, Wars, and Evil Coins:
Towards a ‘Monetary Turn’ in Explaining the Revolution of 1525
2 April 2024
, 0:41 h

GHIL Lecture
Philipp Rössner
Peasants, Wars, and Evil Coins:
Towards a ‘Monetary Turn’ in Explaining the Revolution of 1525

Nina Verheyen, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
Global rankings:
Imperial Germany and the rise of personal achievement culture
4 March 2024
, 0:14 h

Nina Verheyen, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
Global rankings:
Imperial Germany and the rise of personal achievement culture

Joint Lecture
Nina Verheyen
Global Connections and Personal Achievements:
(De)centring the Self in Fin de Siècle Germany
4 March 2024
, 0:47 h

Joint Lecture
Nina Verheyen
Global Connections and Personal Achievements:
(De)centring the Self in Fin de Siècle Germany

Special Lecture
Clare Anderson
Convicts, Creolization and Cosmopolitanism:
Aftermaths of penal transportation in the British Empire
Royal Historical Society Lecture
22 February 2024
, 1:00 h

Special Lecture
Clare Anderson
Convicts, Creolization and Cosmopolitanism:
Aftermaths of penal transportation in the British Empire

GHIL Lecture
Kokou Azamede
The Perception of Colonial Cultural Goods and Human Remains among Communities in the Former German Colony of Togo in the Context of the Restitution Debate
17 January 2024
, 0:49 h

GHIL Lecture
Kokou Azamede
The Perception of Colonial Cultural Goods and Human Remains among Communities in the Former German Colony of Togo in the Context of the Restitution Debate

Kokou Azamede, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
The restitution debate in Togo
17 January 2024
, 0:22 h

GHIL Lecture
Regina Toepfer
Homer’s Heroes in Early Modern Germany:
A Translational Anthropology
13 December 2023
, 0:50 h

GHIL Lecture
Regina Toepfer
Homer’s Heroes in Early Modern Germany:
A Translational Anthropology

Awadhendra Sharan, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
Pollution and the modern city:
Lessons from India's past
17 November 2023
, 0:20 h

Awadhendra Sharan, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
Pollution and the modern city:
Lessons from India's past

GHIL Lecture
Awadhendra Sharan
India’s Atmospheric Modernity:
Smoke, Particulate Matter, and the Modern City
17 November 2023
, 0:52 h

GHIL Lecture
Awadhendra Sharan
India’s Atmospheric Modernity:
Smoke, Particulate Matter, and the Modern City

Thyssen Lecture
Sumathi Ramaswamy
Imagining India in the Empire of Science
20 October 2023
, 0:49 h

GHIL Lecture
Janaki Nair
The Classroom as Sensorium:
Tactility, Attention, and Perception in the Mysore School, 1860–1930
13 October 2023
, 0:48 h

GHIL Lecture
Janaki Nair
The Classroom as Sensorium:
Tactility, Attention, and Perception in the Mysore School, 1860–1930

Janaki Nair, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
The history of schooling in colonial India
13 October 2023
, 0:28 h

Patrick Anthony, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
Climate Crises and Politics in the Eighteenth Century
27 July 2023
, 0:14 h

Patrick Anthony, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
Climate Crises and Politics in the Eighteenth Century

GHIL Lecture
Patrick Anthony
Terrestrial Enlightenment:
Ruin and Revolution in an Eighteenth-Century Climate Crisis
27 July 2023
, 0:38 h

GHIL Lecture
Patrick Anthony
Terrestrial Enlightenment:
Ruin and Revolution in an Eighteenth-Century Climate Crisis

GHIL Lecture
Stefan Hanß
The Scientific Analysis of Renaissance Recipes:
Medicine and the Body in the German Material Renaissance
3 July 2023
, 0:45 h

GHIL Lecture
Stefan Hanß
The Scientific Analysis of Renaissance Recipes:
Medicine and the Body in the German Material Renaissance

Stefan Hanß, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
Analysing Renaissance recipes
Modern chemistry meets Renaissance medicine
3 July 2023
, 0:17 h

Stefan Hanß, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
Analysing Renaissance recipes
Modern chemistry meets Renaissance medicine

Behind the Wire: Exhibition
Internment during the First World War. The Global German Experience
Launch event for Behind the Wire
10 May 2023
, 0:59 h

Behind the Wire: Exhibition
Internment during the First World War. The Global German Experience
Launch event for Behind the Wire

GHIL Lecture
David Kuchenbuch
Mediating Globalism in the Twentieth Century:
The Cases of R. Buckminster Fuller and Arno Peters
28 March 2023
, 0:42 h

GHIL Lecture
David Kuchenbuch
Mediating Globalism in the Twentieth Century:
The Cases of R. Buckminster Fuller and Arno Peters

David Kuchenbuch, Pascale Siegrist and Kim König
The history of globalism through the prism of media (and biography)
28 March 2023
, 0:12 h

David Kuchenbuch, Pascale Siegrist and Kim König
The history of globalism through the prism of media (and biography)

Prabhu Mohapatra, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
The employment contract in Indian labour history
16 March 2023
, 0:19 h

Prabhu Mohapatra, Indra Sengupta and Kim König
The employment contract in Indian labour history

GHIL Lecture
Prabhu Mohapatra
A Genealogy of Labour Regulation in India:
The Career of the Employment Contract
16 March 2023
, 0:55 h

GHIL Lecture
Prabhu Mohapatra
A Genealogy of Labour Regulation in India:
The Career of the Employment Contract

Ute Frevert, Ole Münch and Kim König
The influence of emotions on history
1 March 2023
, 0:16 h

Joint Lecture
Ute Frevert
The Power of Emotions in German History
1 March 2023
, 0:47 h

Carsten Jahnke, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
The Hanseatic League: a ‘secret superpower’
13 February 2023
, 0:15 h

Carsten Jahnke, Mirjam Brusius and Kim König
The Hanseatic League: a ‘secret superpower’

GHIL Lecture
Carsten Jahnke (Copenhagen)
The Hanseatic League as a National Project
13 February 2023
, 0:35 h

GHIL Lecture
Martina Steber
‘A very English superstar’ :
John Rutter, Popular Classical Music, and Transnational Conservatism since the 1970s
23 January 2022
, 0:50 h

GHIL Lecture
Martina Steber
‘A very English superstar’ :
John Rutter, Popular Classical Music, and Transnational Conservatism since the 1970s

Maria Cardamone
Captured. 'The Materiality of the Prize Papers' - A Photography Exhibition
19 December 2022
, 0:21 h

Maria Cardamone
Captured. 'The Materiality of the Prize Papers' - A Photography Exhibition

GHIL Lecture
Gurminder K. Bhambra
A Decolonial Project for Europe
8 December 2022
, 0:28 h

Joint Lecture
Martina Heßler
Flawed Humans, or What Makes Technology Better than Humans:
Historical Considerations on Humans as ‘Faulty Constructions’
25 November 2022
, 0:40 h

Joint Lecture
Martina Heßler
Flawed Humans, or What Makes Technology Better than Humans:
Historical Considerations on Humans as ‘Faulty Constructions’

Joint Lecture
Christina Morina
Broken Balance:
A Political–Cultural History of Germany since the 1980s
16 November 2022
, 0:46 h

Joint Lecture
Christina Morina
Broken Balance:
A Political–Cultural History of Germany since the 1980s

Maya Caspari and Jane Freeland
Forms, Voices, Networks: Feminism and the Media
23 August 2022
, 0:41 h

GHIL Lecture
Shiru Lim and Avi Lifschitz
Frederick the Great and the Public Sphere
6 June 2022
, 0:44 h

GHIL Lecture
Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann
Charlotte Beradt and Reinhart Koselleck on Dreaming in the Age of Extremes
28 April 2022
, 0:45 h

GHIL Lecture
Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann
Charlotte Beradt and Reinhart Koselleck on Dreaming in the Age of Extremes

GHIL Lecture
Hannah Ahlheim and Elizabeth Hunter
Sleeping Through the Ages:
Two Lectures on the History of Sleep in the Seventeenth and Twentieth Centuries
12 April 2022
, 0:45 h

GHIL Lecture
Hannah Ahlheim and Elizabeth Hunter
Sleeping Through the Ages:
Two Lectures on the History of Sleep in the Seventeenth and Twentieth Centuries

Joint Lecture
Fabian Klose
The Quest for a New World Order:
International Politics Between Visions of Global Governance and Catastrophic Failures in the 1990s
24 March 2022
, 0:44 h

Joint Lecture
Fabian Klose
The Quest for a New World Order:
International Politics Between Visions of Global Governance and Catastrophic Failures in the 1990s

Stephan Bruhn
Visions of community in an Age of Viking threat
Our historian Stephan Bruhn discusses his new book
15 February 2022
, 0:15 h

Stephan Bruhn
Visions of community in an Age of Viking threat
Our historian Stephan Bruhn discusses his new book

GHIL Lecture
Tanika Sarkar
The Past in the Present
Historical Pedagogy of Hindu Nationalism in India
Summer Lecture Series
29 June 2021
, 0:59 h

GHIL Lecture
Tanika Sarkar
The Past in the Present
Historical Pedagogy of Hindu Nationalism in India

GHIL Lecture
Barbara Manthe
Writing a History of Right-Wing Terrorism in Post-WWII Germany
Chances, Challenges, and the Need for New Narratives
Summer Lecture Series
15 June 2021
, 0:35 h

GHIL Lecture
Barbara Manthe
Writing a History of Right-Wing Terrorism in Post-WWII Germany
Chances, Challenges, and the Need for New Narratives

GHIL Lecture
Amy S. Kaufman
Medievalism, Extremism, and “White History”
Summer Lecture Series
25 May 2021
, 0:37 h

Joint Lecture
Round Table
Confronting Histories of Violence and Populism
What can be learnt from “the Germans”? What have "the Germans" yet to learn?
Summer Lecture Series
4 May 2021
, 1:11 h

Joint Lecture
Round Table
Confronting Histories of Violence and Populism
What can be learnt from “the Germans”? What have "the Germans" yet to learn?

GHIL Lecture
Hannah Skoda
‘How I long for the good old days’:
Nostalgia and Social Change in the Long Fourteenth Century
30 March 2021
, 0:55 h

GHIL Lecture
Hannah Skoda
‘How I long for the good old days’:
Nostalgia and Social Change in the Long Fourteenth Century

Joint Lecture
Svenja Goltermann
Perceptions of Interpersonal Violence:
A History of the Present
10 March 2021
, 0:48 h

Joint Lecture
Svenja Goltermann
Perceptions of Interpersonal Violence:
A History of the Present

Joint Lecture
Patrice Poutrus
Contested Asylum:
The History of the 2015 Refugee Crisis
25 February 2021

GHIL Lecture
Nandini Gooptu
New Cultures of Work, Youth, and Politics in India
23 February 2021
, 0:46 h

GHIL Lecture
Peter Burschel
The Dance of the Tapuya:
On the Cultural Coding of Skin Colour in the Early Modern Period
9 February 2021
, 0:45 h

GHIL Lecture
Peter Burschel
The Dance of the Tapuya:
On the Cultural Coding of Skin Colour in the Early Modern Period

GHIL Lecture
Alice Rio
Legal Role-Playing and Storytelling in Early Medieval Francia
1 December 2020
, 0:54 h

GHIL Lecture
Martina Kessel
An Empire of Shaming:
Reading Nazi Germany through the Violence of Laughter
Gerda Henkel Foundation Visiting Professorship Lecture
26 November 2020
, 0:46 h

GHIL Lecture
Martina Kessel
An Empire of Shaming:
Reading Nazi Germany through the Violence of Laughter

GHIL Lecture
Peter Mandler
The Crisis of the Meritocracy:
How Popular Demand (not Politicians) Made Britain into a Mass Education Society
GHIL Annual Lecture
6 November 2020
, 0:55 h

GHIL Lecture
Peter Mandler
The Crisis of the Meritocracy:
How Popular Demand (not Politicians) Made Britain into a Mass Education Society

GHIL Lecture
Maud Bracke
Inventing Reproductive Rights:
Sex, Population, and Feminism in Europe, 1945–1980
Summer Lecture Series: Feminist Histories
15 July 2020
, 1:10 h

GHIL Lecture
Maud Bracke
Inventing Reproductive Rights:
Sex, Population, and Feminism in Europe, 1945–1980

GHIL Lecture
Jane Whittle and Laure Schwartz
Understanding Women and Work from the Early Modern Era to the Present:
A Round Table
Summer Lecture Series: Feminist Histories
8 July 2020

GHIL Lecture
Jane Whittle and Laure Schwartz
Understanding Women and Work from the Early Modern Era to the Present:
A Round Table

GHIL Lecture
Chiara Bonfiglioli
Internationalist Waves and Feminist Waves in Italy, Yugoslavia, and Cuba from the 1950s to 1970s
Summer Lecture Series: Feminist Histories
1 July 2020
, 0:56 h

GHIL Lecture
Chiara Bonfiglioli
Internationalist Waves and Feminist Waves in Italy, Yugoslavia, and Cuba from the 1950s to 1970s

GHIL Lecture
Ulrike Freitag
Cosmopolitanism in a Global Perspective
GHIL Annual Lecture
8 November 2019
, 0:43 h

GHIL Lecture
Subhadra Das, Clémentine Deliss, Tristram Hunt, and Alice Procter
From Collected to Contested:
The Future of Museums after the Repatriation Debate
Contested Histories Seminar Series
25 June 2019
, 1:45 h

GHIL Lecture
Subhadra Das, Clémentine Deliss, Tristram Hunt, and Alice Procter
From Collected to Contested:
The Future of Museums after the Repatriation Debate

GHIL Lecture
Eleni Christodoulou and Neeladri Bhattacharya
Who Owns Public History?
Two Talks on History Textbooks in Conflicted Societies
Contested Histories Seminar Series
18 June 2019
, 1:44 h

GHIL Lecture
Eleni Christodoulou and Neeladri Bhattacharya
Who Owns Public History?
Two Talks on History Textbooks in Conflicted Societies

GHIL Lecture
Quentin Skinner
Hobbes’s Leviathan:
Picturing the State
GHIL Annual Lecture
9 November 2018
, 0:54 h

Joint Lecture
Timothy Garton Ash
German and European Unification:
Harmony or Dissonance?
Annual lecture on contemporary German history
24 April 2018
, 0:51 h

Joint Lecture
Arnd Bauerkämper
National Security and Humanity:
The Internment of Civilian 'Enemy Aliens' during the First World War
Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship Lecture
28 November 2017
, 1:26 h

Joint Lecture
Arnd Bauerkämper
National Security and Humanity:
The Internment of Civilian 'Enemy Aliens' during the First World War

Joint Lecture
Dominik Geppert
National Expectations and Transnational Infrastructure:
The Media, Global News Coverage, and International Relations in the Age of High Imperialism
Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship Lecture
29 November 2016
, 0:54 h

Joint Lecture
Dominik Geppert
National Expectations and Transnational Infrastructure:
The Media, Global News Coverage, and International Relations in the Age of High Imperialism

GHIL Lecture
David Cannadine
Rewriting the British 19th Century
Narrating the 19th Century: New Approaches
21 June 2016
, 1:05 h

GHIL Lecture
Johannes Paulmann
How Close is the 19th Century?
Contemporary Reflections on a History of Europe
Narrating the 19th Century: New Approaches
31 May 2016
, 0:51 h

GHIL Lecture
Johannes Paulmann
How Close is the 19th Century?
Contemporary Reflections on a History of Europe

GHIL Lecture
Willibald Steinmetz
Writing a History of 19th-Century Europe:
Challenges, Conundrums, Complexities
Narrating the 19th Century: New Approaches
17 May 2016
, 0:50 h

GHIL Lecture
Willibald Steinmetz
Writing a History of 19th-Century Europe:
Challenges, Conundrums, Complexities

GHIL Lecture
Richard J. Evans
Writing the History of 19th-Century Europe
Narrating the 19th Century: New Approaches
3 May 2016
, 0:52 h

Joint Lecture
Lutz Raphael
Life Cycle and Industrial Work:
West German and West European Patterns in Times of Globalization (1975–2005)
Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship Lecture
15 December 2015
, 0:59 h

Joint Lecture
Lutz Raphael
Life Cycle and Industrial Work:
West German and West European Patterns in Times of Globalization (1975–2005)

GHIL Lecture
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
Are There Different Cultures of Decision-Making in History?
GHIL Annual Lecture
13 November 2015
, 0:54 h

GHIL Lecture
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
Are There Different Cultures of Decision-Making in History?

GHIL Lecture
Inge Weber-Newth
Home Ties:
Objects in Migrants' Lives
9 September 2015
, 0:28 h

Joint Lecture
Dan Diner
Rites of Reserve:
The German–Israeli Encounter in Luxembourg, 1952
3 September 2015
, 0:56 h

GHIL Lecture
David d’Avray, Peter Ghosh, and Joachim Radkau
Max Weber’s work and its Relation to Historical Writing
Panel Discussion
11 December 2014
, 1:53 h

GHIL Lecture
David d’Avray, Peter Ghosh, and Joachim Radkau
Max Weber’s work and its Relation to Historical Writing
Panel Discussion

GHIL Lecture
Miles Taylor
Empire and the Turn to Collectivism in British Social Policy, c.1860–1914
GHIL Annual Lecture
7 November 2014
, 0:57 h

GHIL Lecture
Miles Taylor
Empire and the Turn to Collectivism in British Social Policy, c.1860–1914

GHIL Lecture
Margaret MacMillan, Annika Mombauer, Sönke Neitzel, and John Röhl
1914: What Historians Don’t Know about the Causes of the First World War
Roundtable Debate
18 June 2014
, 2:11 h

GHIL Lecture
Margaret MacMillan, Annika Mombauer, Sönke Neitzel, and John Röhl
1914: What Historians Don’t Know about the Causes of the First World War
Roundtable Debate

Joint Lecture
Kenneth Dyson
Germany, the Euro Crisis and the Future of Europe
Annual Lecture on Contemporary German History
25 November 2013
, 1:45 h

GHIL Lecture
Ute Frevert
The Moral Economy of Trust:
Modern Trajectories
GHIL Annual Lecture
8 November 2013
, 0:54 h

Joint Lecture
Dorothee Wierling
Coffee Worlds:
Global Players and Local Actors in 20th-Century Germany
Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship Lecture
22 October 2013
, 1:00 h

Joint Lecture
Dorothee Wierling
Coffee Worlds:
Global Players and Local Actors in 20th-Century Germany

GHIL Lecture
Mary Fulbrook, Neil Gregor, Anthony McElligott, and Maiken Umbach
The Nazi Seizure of Power in 1933 and its Significance, 80 Years On
Public Panel Debate
30 January 2013
, 0:55 h

GHIL Lecture
Mary Fulbrook, Neil Gregor, Anthony McElligott, and Maiken Umbach
The Nazi Seizure of Power in 1933 and its Significance, 80 Years On
Public Panel Debate

GHIL Lecture
Jane Caplan
‘Jetzt Judenfrei’: Writing Tourism in Nazi-Occupied Poland
GHIL Annual Lecture
9 November 2012
, 0:52 h

Joint Lecture
Andreas Rödder
From Kaiser Wilhelm to Chancellor Merkel:
The German Question on the European Stage
Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship Lecture
7 November 2012
, 1:31 h

Joint Lecture
Andreas Rödder
From Kaiser Wilhelm to Chancellor Merkel:
The German Question on the European Stage

Joint Lecture
Edgar Feuchtwanger, Jan Kavan, and Georg Stefan Troller
Remigration – Three Personal Accounts
Panel Discussion
9 March 2012
, 1:38 h

Joint Lecture
Edgar Feuchtwanger, Jan Kavan, and Georg Stefan Troller
Remigration – Three Personal Accounts
Panel Discussion

Joint Lecture
Ute Daniel
Goebbels, War, and Propaganda:
The Media Logic of the 'Third Reich'
Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship Lecture
26 October 2011
, 0:57 h

GHIL Lecture
The Insiders’ Views of the Fischer Controversy
Round-Table Discussion
13 October 2011
, 1:30 h

Joint Lecture
Christoph Cornelißen
Disgust with the 45ers?
Post-War German Historiography in a Generational Perspective
8 September 2011
, 1:31 h

Joint Lecture
Christoph Cornelißen
Disgust with the 45ers?
Post-War German Historiography in a Generational Perspective

GHIL Lecture
Michael Berenbaum, Richard Evans, Wilhelm Krull and Jörg Skriebeleit
Relationships of Universities, Museums and other Cultural Institutions to Foundations whose Companies were involved with and Profited from the Holocaust
GHIL Debates
2 June 2011
, 1:34 h

GHIL Lecture
Michael Berenbaum, Richard Evans, Wilhelm Krull and Jörg Skriebeleit
Relationships of Universities, Museums and other Cultural Institutions to Foundations whose Companies were involved with and Profited from the Holocaust
GHIL Debates

GHIL Lecture
Frederick Cooper, John Darwin, and Regina Grafe
Empires and Colonies
Plenary forum
15 April 2011
, 0:51 h

GHIL Lecture
Frederick Cooper, John Darwin, and Regina Grafe
Empires and Colonies
Plenary forum

Joint Lecture
Peter Hayes
The German Foreign Office and Nazism:
Image and Reality after 1945
Annual Lecture on Contemporary German History
31 March 2011
, 1:14 h

GHIL Lecture
Franziska Augstein, Kathleen Burk, Justin Champion, Peter Mandler, and Benedikt Stuchtey
Public History
8 June 2010
, 2:22 h

GHIL Lecture
Franziska Augstein, Kathleen Burk, Justin Champion, Peter Mandler, and Benedikt Stuchtey
Public History

GHIL Lecture
Sir Ian Kershaw
Volksgemeinschaft: Potential and Limitations of the Concept
25 March 2010
, 0:50 h

Joint Lecture
Richard J. Evans
British and Germans:
Perceptions and Misperceptions since the Second World War
Annual Lecture on Contemporary German History
11 March 2010
, 1:14 h

Joint Lecture
Richard J. Evans
British and Germans:
Perceptions and Misperceptions since the Second World War

GHIL Lecture
Hartmut Kaelble
The 1970s in Europe:
A Period of Promise or Disillusionment?
GHIL Annual Lecture
13 November 2009
, 0:59 h
Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series
Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2013-2023
12/10/2023 | Daniel Magilow: What a shayna punim!: Cute Jews, Photography, and Jewish Regeneration (Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2023: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Myths, Images and Imaginings about Jews) | Available here |
08/06/2023 | Sara Lipton: Marked Off in the Eyes of the Public: Anti-Jewish Imagery and the Politics of Prejudice (Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2023: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Myths, Images and Imaginings about Jews) | Available here |
04/05/2023 | Nadia Valman: The Virtuous Jewess (Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2023: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Myths, Images and Imaginings about Jews) | Available here |
09/03/2023 | Cathy Gelbin: Gender, Sex and Jewishness in Weimar Cinema’s Monsters (Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2023: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Myths, Images and Imaginings about Jews) | Available here |
17/11/2022 | Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann: In Our Image: Meeting our Ultraorthodox Other on Netflix (Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2022: Popular Culture, Politics and Jews) | Available here |
13/10/2022 | Moshe Zimmermann: Post-Holocaust German-Jewish Symbiosis: Ephraim Kishon and the Germans (Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2022: Popular Culture, Politics and Jews) | Available here |
16/06/2022 | Panel discussion: Images of the Grotesque and Arabesque: The Discovery of Kafka's Drawings | Available here |
05/05/2022 | Lisa Schoß: A Story of Ambivalences. Jewish Topics and Characters in East German Television (Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2022: Popular Culture, Politics and Jews) | Available here |
17/03/2022 | Hanno Loewy: Jukebox? Jewkbox! (Leo Baeck Institute London Lecture Series 2022: Popular Culture, Politics and Jews) | Available here |
11/11/2021 | Sarah MacDougall: From Heartland to Homeland? – German-Jewish Émigré Artists in Britain, c. 1933-45 (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2021: Conceptions of Heimat in Jewish Visual History and Culture) | Available here |
14/10/2021 | Natasha Gordinsky and Katja Petrowskaja: ‘Your Heimat is our Nightmare’: Post-Soviet Poetic Interventions in German Culture (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2021: Conceptions of Heimat in Jewish Visual History and Culture) | Available here |
22/04/2021 | Ofer Ashkenazi: Heimat as a Shelter from Nazism (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2021: Conceptions of Heimat in Jewish Visual History and Culture) | Available here |
18/03/2021 | Jan-Christopher Horak: Helmar Lerski between the Diaspora and a Jewish Homeland (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2021: Conceptions of Heimat in Jewish Visual History and Culture) | Available here |
11/02/2021 | Hanno Loewy: Unrewarded Love: Alpine Clubs, Ski-Tourism, Folklore and the Jews (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2021: Conceptions of Heimat in Jewish Visual History and Culture) | Available here |
19/11/2020 | Svenja Bethke: How to dress in Eretz Israel? Clothing, Fashion and Nation Building, 1880s–1948 (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2019–20: Acting Jewish: Between Identity and Attire) | Available here |
08/10/2020 | Paul Herzberg: Acting Jewish: Perception and Reality (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2019–20: Acting Jewish: Between Identity and Attire) | Available here |
04/03/2020 | Adi Heyman: The Big Cover-Up: Modest Fashion (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2019–20: Acting Jewish: Between Identity and Attire) | Available here |
23/01/2020 | Kerry Wallach: ‘Coming Out’ as Jewish in Weimar Germany (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2019–20: Acting Jewish: Between Identity and Attire) | Available here |
04/04/2019 | Nathan Abrams Treyf Jews? Jewish Gangsters in McMafia and Peaky Blinders (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2018–19) | Available here |
14/02/2019 | Richard I. Cohen: Moses Mendelssohn – The German-Jewish Icon of Modernity (1780s–2019) (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2018–19) | Available here |
24/01/2019 | Cilly Kugelmann: Jewish Museums between Self-Assertion and Self-Defence (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2018–19) | Available here |
06/12/2018 | Ruth Oren: ‘Coming back to History’: The Jewish Image in Landscape Photographs of ‘Eretz-Israel’, 1898–1961 (Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2018–19) | Available here |
12/04/2018 | Martin Doerry: Lifting a Taboo: The story of a Holocaust Victim which has Never been Told Before (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2017–18) | Available here |
08/03/2018 | Atina Grossmann: Trauma, Privilege and Adventure in the ‘Orient’: A Refugee Family Archive (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2017–18) | Available here |
01/03/2018 | Thomas Harding: 'You’re doing what?' - My Family’s Response to my Trying to Save the House Stolen by the Nazis (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2017–18) | Available here |
07/12/2017 | Lisa Appignanesi: Losing the Dead: Before and After (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2017–18) | Available here |
30/03/2017 | Arno Paucker: Scholar and Friend (A memorial event in honour of the Leo Baeck Institute’s esteemed, longstanding former director Dr Arnold Paucker OBE) | Available here |
16/03/2017 | Panel Discussion: The Legacy of the Left and Israel: 1967–2017 (With Nick Cohen, David Feldman, Christina Späti and Peter Ullrich. European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2016–17) | Available here |
26/01/2017 | Michel Dreyfus: The Two Lefts in France: Divisions over Zionism and Israel (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2016–17) | Available here |
08/12/2016 | Christina Späti: The German-Speaking Left and Israel: Legacies and Developments since 1948 (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2016–17) | Available here |
24/11/2016 | Brian Klug: Denouncing Israel: Anti-Colonialism or Antisemitism on the British Left? (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2016–17) | Available here |
14/04/2016 | Wendy Pullan: In the Shadow of the Wall: Icon and Identity in Jerusalem’s Separation Barrier (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2015–16) | Available here |
11/02/2016 | Yfaat Weiss: Political Sovereignty and Cultural Property: The Mount Scopus Enclave in Jerusalem (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2015–16) | Available here |
03/12/2015 | Thabet Abu Rass: Land, Power, and Resistance in Israel: The Case of the Bedouins of the Negev (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2015–16) | Available here |
05/11/2015 | Gunnar Lehmann: Past and Politics in the Archaeology of Israel (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2015–16) | Available here |
03/07/2014 | Jay Winter: The Great War and Jewish Memory (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2014-15) | Available here |
02/04/2014 | Roz Currie: Curating the Jewish Experience of the First World War (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2014-15) | Available here |
02/10/2013 | Sander Gilman: Cosmopolitanism and the Jews (Leo Baeck Institute Special Lecture, October 2013) | Available here |
16/05/2013 | Brian Klug: Dealing with Difference: Jews, Muslims, and the British Left Today (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2013-14) | Available here |
07/03/2013 | David Fraser: ‘Quite Contrary to the Principles of British Justice’: The Jews of the Channel Islands 1940–1945 (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2013-14) | Available here |
24/05/2011 | Sander Gilman: ‘Why the Jews are the smartest people in the universe and why this is a bad thing (European Leo Baeck Lecture Series London, 2011) | Available here |