German Historical Institute London

17 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NJ
United Kingdom

Phone: Tel. +44-(0)20-7309 2050



Conferences and Workshops


Academic conferences and workshops are organised in Britain or in Germany. They are intended to facilitate contact between British, German, and international historians working in the same field, and to promote an exchange of information about new methodological approaches and recent research. Some events require advance registration. Please see individual listings for details.


Forthcoming Conferences and Workshops


26-28 September 2024


The Dawes Plan and the Rescue of the Global Economy

Convenor: Roman Köster (Historische Kommission, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften)


9–10 January 2025

Postgraduate Students Conference

Postgraduate Research Students Conference


Closing date: 10 January 2025

22-23 May 2025


Trans Sainthood in Translation, ca. 400–1500

Organizers: Mariana Bodnaruk (Masaryk University, Brno), Stephan Bruhn (GHIL) and Michael Eber (University of Oxford)


Closing date: 23 May 2025

8–10 October 2025


Medieval History Seminar

Organizers: German Historical Institute London and German Historical Institute Washington

Conveners: Fiona Griffiths (Stanford University), Michael Grünbart (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), and Simon MacLean (University of St Andrews)

The seminar will bring together Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D. recipients (2024/2025) in medieval history from American, Canadian, British, Irish, and German universities for three days of scholarly discussion and collaboration.


Closing date: 10 January 2025


Previous Conferences and Workshops


12 April 2024


Medieval Germany Workshop

Organizers: German Historical Institute London, German Historical Institute Washington and German History Society

This one-day workshop on the history of medieval Germany (broadly defined) will provide an opportunity for researchers in the field from the UK, continental Europe, and the USA to meet in a relaxed and friendly setting and to learn more about each other’s work.


25-26 April 2024


Non-Privileged Migration and Mobility Control in the Age of Global Empires (c. 1850-1914)

Convenors: Felix Brahm (University of Münster), Christina von Hodenberg (GHIL), Eve Rosenhaft (University of Liverpool)

AHRC-DFG-Project “Romani Migration Between Germany and Britain (1880s-1914): Spaces of Informal Business, Media Spectacle, and Racial Policing

This conference brings together research on non-privileged migration from the 1850s to the First World War. 


12-14 June 2024


Afterlives of Empire
How Imperial Legacies Shaped European Integration

Convenors: Alexander Nützenadel (HU Berlin) & Heike Wieters (HU Berlin)

This conference aims to explore the afterlives of Empires from a interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. It will bring together scholars from history, the social sciences, economics, and regional studies to start a dialogue about the historical impact of past Empires on the process of European Integration. 


4–6 July 2024


Cultures of Compromise and Liberal Democracy after World War II

Organised by the German Historical Institute London in conjunction with the London School of Economics and the Gerda Henkel Foundation. 

Convenor: Constantin Goschler

The conference will discuss the cultures of compromise and their significance for liberal democracies after 1945. The normative premise that liberal democracy is tied to functioning compromises will be examined through a historicising perspective.


12–14 September 2024


Ageing, Experience and Difference:
The Social History of Old Age in Europe since 1900

Conveners: Christina von Hodenberg (GHIL) and Helen McCarthy (University of Cambridge)



3 March 2023


Translating the Book of Acre from Middle High German into English

Organizers: Christoph Pretzer (University of Bern), Marcus Meer (GHIL)
Conference participants: Sarah Bowden (KCL), Stephen Mossman (Manchester), Henrike Lähnemann (Oxford), Howard Jones (Oxford), Seb Coxon (UCL), Josephine Spelsberg (KCL), Mark Chinca (Cambridge), Lea Braun (HU Berlin/KCL), Johanna Dale (UCL), Anna Wilmore (Oxford), Simone Kuegler-Race (Cambridge), Doriane Zerka (Cambridge), Aysha Strachan (KCL), Bjoern Weiler (Aberystwyth)

The EU-funded MSCA project CITYFALL at the Institute for Classical Philology at the University of Bern is working on a critical translation of the Book of Acre into English to make this important and unique Middle High German source accessible to non-German language audiences. The translation will be published in the Routledge series ‘Crusade Texts in Translation’.

The workshop at the German Historical Institute London on 3 March 2023 will bring together researchers from universities across the UK specialising in medieval German literature, language, and history to consider the challenges of this translation project and to discuss the translation of medieval sources in general terms. The workshop will help achieve the goal of producing a translation that will serve audiences with diverse interests, ranging from philological to historical.


23–25 March 2023


Trans-regnal Kingship in the Thirteenth Century

University of East Anglia, Universität Heidelberg, German Historical Institute, British Academy Global Professorship
Organizers: Jörg, Peltzer (UH/UEA), Nicholas Vincent (UEA) and Adrian Jobson (UEA)
Venue: German Historical Institute London

In thirteenth-century Europe, there were several trans-regnal kingdoms. A single monarch ruled over each of these realms, which comprised a complex mix of differing cultures, peoples, customs and languages. Some encompassed vast territories, like the Empire and the Plantagenet dominions, while others such as the Crusading principalities in the eastern Mediterranean were far smaller in scale. A few were long-established, but the majority were of more recent creation. As these kingdoms were not static entities, their borders expanded and contracted throughout the century in response to political and military pressures.

This international conference will explore the nature of trans-regnal kingship in thirteenth-century Europe.


27–31 March 2023


Beyond the Progressive Story
Reframing Resistance to European Integration

Organizers: Antonio Carbone (DHI Rome), Olga Gontarska (DHI Warsaw), Alexander Hobe (HIS Hamburg), Beata Jurkowicz (DHI Warschau), William King (GHI London), David Lawton (GHI London), Andrea Carlo Martinez (DHI Rome), Philipp Müller (HIS Hamburg), Katharina Troll (HIS Hamburg)
Institutions involved: Hamburg Institute for Social Research (HIS Hamburg), German Historical Institute in London (GHI London), German Historical Institute in Rome (DHI Rome), German Historical Institute in Warsaw (DHI Warsaw)
Organized by the participants of the research project “(De)Constructing Europe”, a cooperation between the Max Weber Foundation and the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)

German Historical Institute in Rome

5–7 October 2023


Medieval History Seminar

Organizers: German Historical Institute London and German Historical Institute Washington
Conveners: Fiona Griffiths (Stanford University), Michael Grünbart (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), Jamie Kreiner (University of Georgia), Simon MacLean (University of St Andrews), Len Scales (Durham University), and Dorothea Weltecke (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)

German Historical Institute London

4–6 December 2023


Other Histories, Other Pasts

Conveners: Indra Sengupta (GHIL) and Neeladri Bhattacharya (Ashoka University)
Conference to be held at ICAS:MP, New Delhi

For further information please contact Dr Indra Sengupta at

ICAS:MP, New Delhi

7–8 December 2023


History as a Political Category

Conveners: Indra Sengupta (GHIL), Shail Mayaram, and Ravikant (CSDS, New Delhi)
Workshop to be held at ICAS:MP, New Delhi

For registered participants only. 

ICAS:MP, New Delhi


20–22 January 2022


The History of Medialization and Empowerment: The Intersection of Women’s Rights Activism and the Media
Final Meeting of the International Standing Working Group on Medialization and Empowerment

Convenors: Christina von Hodenberg and Jane Freeland (German Historical Institute London)

The International Standing Working Group on Medialization and Empowerment is part of the international research project “Knowledge Unbound: Internationalisation, Networking, Innovation in and by the Max Weber Stiftung”


3-4 March 2022


From local Night Watchmen towards a global Security Market?
Inter- and Transnational Perspectives on the History of the Private Security Industry since the 19th century in Europe and beyond

Workshop organized by University College London and the German Historical Institute London
Conveners: Marcus Böick (UCL/GHIL), David Churchill (Leeds), Pieter Leloup (Ghent)
For registered attendees only


28-29 April 2022


Economic Narratives in Historical Perspective

Conveners: Jeremy Adelman (Princeton University), Laetitia Lenel (Humboldt-Universität Berlin), and Alexander Nützenadel (Humboldt-Universität Berlin/GHIL)


6 May 2022


Medieval Germany Workshop
History of Medieval Germany

Organised by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society


2–4 June 2022


From Cambridge to Bielefeld – and back?
British and Continental Approaches to Intellectual History

German Association for British Studies Annual Conference
Organized by Sina Steglich (GHIL) and Emily Steinhauer (GHIL)
Venue: Humboldt University Berlin

Humboldt University Berlin

9–11 June 2022


Education and Urban Transformations
Marginalities and Intersections

Convenors: Indra Sengupta (GHIL), Nandini Manjrekar (TISS Mumbai), Geetha B.  Nambissan (JNU Delhi, retd.), Shivali Tukdeo (NIAS Bengaluru), Sebastian Schwecke (MWFSAS Delhi)
Keynote speaker: Professor William Pink, Professor Emeritus, Marquette University, USA


7–9 July 2022


(De)Constructing Europe
London Workshop

This workshop is organised by the ‘(De)Constructing Europe – EU-Scepticism in European Integration History’ project (led by the GHI London, the GHI Rome, the GHI Warsaw and the Hamburg Institute for Social Research). The workshop is limited to invited attendees.

Workshop programme (PDF file)


14–16 July 2022


Violence against Women
Historical and Comparative Perspectives

Joint Workshop of the Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Award and the German Historical Institute London

Convenors: Christina von Hodenberg and Jane Freeland (German Historical Institute London), Sylvia Walby (Violence & Society Centre, City University of London), Karen Shire (Essen College for Gender Research, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)


1–2 September 2022


The Politics of Iconoclasm in the Middle Ages

Convenors: Marcus Meer (GHIL), Len Scales (University of Durham), and Sarah Griffin (The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London)
Keynote speaker: Leslie Brubaker (University of Birmingham)

GHIL/Warburg Institute

8–10 September 2022


Things on the Move
Materiality of Objects in Global and Imperial Trajectories, 1700–1900

An International Conference organized by the German Historical Institute London in Collaboration with the Prize Papers Project
Organizers: Indra Sengupta (GHIL), Felix Brahm (University of Hamburg), Dagmar Freist, Lucas Haasis (Prize Papers Project/University of Oldenburg)


22–23 September 2022


Democratization, Re-Masculinization, or what?
Masculinity in the 20th century and beyond

Convenor: Prof Martina Kessel (University of Bielefeld)
Venue: German Historical Institute London


17–18 October 2022


Leo Baeck Institute London Conference
A New Look at German-Jewish History through Photography

The event is organised by the Leo Baeck Institute London in collaboration with the German Historical Institute London and the Koebner-Minerva Center for German History (Israel).

For more information, please see the website of the Leo Baeck Institute London:

You can register to attend this event by contacting by 13th October 2022. Please note that places available for the public will be limited and allocated on a first come first served basis.



29–30 January


The Classics in the Pulpit
Ancient Literature and Preaching in the Middle Ages

Convener: Bernhard Hollick (GHIL)

Online Event

7 May 2021


Fifteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History

Organized by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society, to be held online (Zoom).

Conveners: Bridget Heal (University of St. Andrews), Katherine Hill (Birkbeck, University of London), David Lederer (NUI Maynooth), Alison Rowlands (University of Essex) and Hannes Ziegler (GHI London)

Online event

7–8 May 2021


The Politics of Old Age
Old People and Ageing in British and European History (Middle Ages to the Present)

Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Großbritannienforschung

Conveners: Frédérique Lachaud, Sorbonne Université Lettres; Wencke Meteling, Universität Marburg/German Association for British Studies; Jenny Pleinen, German Historical Institute London

Please register via Eventbrite:

For 7 May 2021 

For 8 May 2021

Online event

30 June–03 July


Migration and Migration Policies in Europe since 1945

Convener: Prof. Ulrich Herbert (Freiburg), assisted by: Jakob Schönhagen (Freiburg)

To register for the conference please write to Kim König ( Deadline: 28.06.21. There is no charge for attendance.

Online Event

30 September–02 October 2021


Medieval History Seminar

Conveners: Paul Freedman (Yale University), Bernhard Jussen (Goethe University Frankfurt), Simon MacLean (University of St Andrews), Fiona Griffiths (Stanford University), Len Scales (Durham University), and Dorothea Weltecke (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Organized by The German Historical Institutes in London and Washington, D.C. 


28–29 October 2021


Contemporary historians and the re-use of social science-generated data sets
An international dialogue on the challenges presented by ‘social data’

Organized by the DFG-Projekt ‘Sozialdaten als Quellen der Zeitgeschichte. Erstellung eines Rahmenkonzeptes für eine Forschungsdateninfrastruktur in der zeithistorischen Forschung’

Conveners: Lutz Raphael (University of Trier), Sabine Reh (Research Library for the History of Education, BBF-DIPF Berlin), Pascal Siegers (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences), Kerstin Brückweh (University of Erfurt) and Christina von Hodenberg (GHI London)

German Historical Institute London

2–4 December 2021


Family and Disability
Comparing British and German Histories of Care for the Disabled

Organizers: Christina von Hodenberg (GHIL), Prof. Gabriele Lingelbach (Kiel)
For invited attendees only.


9–10 December 2021


Hidden Economies of Slavery

Convenors: Felix Brahm (GHI London) and Melina Teubner (University of Bern)

German Historical Institute London/Online


16–18 January


Global Royal Families: Concepts, Cultures, and Networks of International Monarchy, 1800–2020

Conveners: Falko Schnicke (German Historical Institute London), Robert Aldrich (University of Sydney), and Cindy McCreery (University of Sydney)

German Historical Institute London

16–21 February

ConferenceIndia Research Programme Event

Global History: Challenges and Opportunities

A winter school on global history for Ph.D. and early-career scholars in Germany and India

Organized jointly by the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, the India Branch Office of the Max Weber Foundation, and the German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Debarati Bagchi, Felix Brahm, Pablo Holwitt, Monica Juneja, and Indra Sengupta

New Delhi

30 October


Law and Consent in Medieval Britain
Workshop organized by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the History of Parliament Trust

Conveners: Hannes Kleineke (History of Parliament Trust) and Stephan Bruhn (GHI London)

Online Event

10–12 December


Archiving, Recording and Representing Feminism: The Global History of Women’s Emancipation in the 20th Century
Second Meeting of the International Standing Working Group on Medialization and Empowerment

Convenors: Christina von Hodenberg and Jane Freeland (German Historical Institute London)

Partners: Max Weber Foundation India Branch Office, German Historical Institute Washington, German Historical Institute Rome, Orient Institute Beirut

Online event

Postponed to December 2021


Hidden Economies of Slavery
International Workshop co-organized by Melina Teubner (University of Bern) and Felix Brahm (German Historical Institute London)

Please note: This workshop has been postponed to December 9-10, 2021



14–16 March


An Era of Value Change: The Seventies in Europe

Conveners: Fiammetta Balestracci (Queen Mary University of London), Christina von Hodenberg (German Historical Institute London), and Martin Baumeister (German Historical Institute Rome).

Venue: German Historical Institute London

11–13 April


Security and Humanity in the First World War: The Treatment of Civilian ‘Enemy Aliens’

Venue: German Historical Institute London

2–3 May


GINT TRANSLAB: German-English Translation Workshop and Panel

Organizers: Frankfurt Book Fair, Geisteswissenschaften International Frankfurt, German Historical Institute London, Goethe-Institut London, New Books in German

Moderator: Dr Ruth Martin

Venue: German Historical Institute London

17 May


Workshop on Medieval Germany

Organized by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society.

Conveners: Len Scales (Durham University) and Cornelia Linde (GHIL)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

20–22 May


In Global Transit: Forced Migration of Jews and Other Refugees (1940s–1960s)

Second Conference in the Series 'In Global Transit' organized by the German Historical Institutes in Washington and London in cooperation with the Max Weber Stiftung Branch Offices in Delhi and Beijing, and The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, University of California, Berkeley

Conveners: Wolf Gruner (USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research, Los Angeles), Simone Lässig (German Historical Institute Washington), Francesco Spagnolo (The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, Berkeley), Swen Steinberg (Queen's University, Kingston)

Venue: The Magnes Collection, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, USA

The Magnes Collection, Berkeley

30–31 May


Advertising and Marketing in the Early Modern World (1400–1800)

Workshop jointly organized by the German Historical Institute London, the Institute of Advanced Studies at University College London, and the University of Tübingen

Conveners: Christina Brauner (Tübingen) in cooperation with Michael Schaich (GHIL)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

11–12 July


From the Ruins of Preservation: A Symposium on Rethinking Heritage Through Counter-Archives

Co-organized by Rodney Harrison (AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership Fellow/Professor of Heritage Studies at the UCL Institute of Archaeology) and Mirjam Brusius (Research Fellow in Colonial and Global History, German Historical Institute of London).

Venue: German Historical Institute London

13 September


Arms Control across the Empires

International academic workshop, co-organized by the German Historical Institute London (GHIL) and the Jena Center 20th Century History

Conveners: Felix Brahm (GHIL), Daniel Stahl (University of Jena)

Venue: German Historical Institute London


Medieval History Seminar
10–12 October

Organized by the German Historical Institute London and the German Historical Institute Washington

Conveners: Paul Freedman (Yale), Bernhard Jussen (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main), Simon MacLean (St Andrews), Ruth Mazo Karras (Trinity College Dublin), Len Scales (Durham University), and Dorothea Weltecke (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main).

Venue: German Historical Institute London

21–23 November


Feminism in the Media / Feminism and the Media in the 20th Century

First Meeting of the International Standing Working Group on Medialization and Empowerment

Convenors: Christina von Hodenberg (GHI London) and Jane Freeland (GHI London)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

9–13 December


100 Histories of 100 Worlds in One Object

Concept and Convenor: Mirjam Brusius, GHIL

Organizer: Forum Transregional Studies with the Max Weber Foundation in co-operation with the GHI London, UCL (Alice Stevenson, Subhadra Das), and the University of the West Indies, Mona (James Robertson)

Funding by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany

University of the West Indies - Mona, Kingston (Jamaica)

12–14 December 2019


Translating, Travelling, Transferring Ideologies

Conference organised by the German Historical Institute London in conjunction with the London School of Economics and the Gerda Henkel Foundation

Conveners: Johanna Gehmacher and Elizabeth Harvey

Venue: German Historical Institute London


11–12 January

Postgraduate Students Conference

Postgraduate Students Conference 2018

26–27 January


Heritage, Decolonization, and the Field

Supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the German Historical Institute London/Max Weber Foundation, and the UCL Institute of Archaeology

William Goodenough College, Mecklenburgh Square, London, WC1N 2AB

14–16 February


In Global Transit: Jewish Migrants from Hitler’s Europe in Asia, Africa, and Beyond

Conveners: Andreas Gestrich (GHI London), Simone Lässig (GHI Washington), Anne Schenderlein (GHI Washington), and Indra Sengupta (GHI London)

Kolkata, India

14–16 March

ICAS EventWorkshop

Populism and the Shifting Co-ordinates of the Political

Second ICAS: MP conference, IIC Delhi

Conference programme (PDF file)

17 March

ConferenceICAS Event

Selling History: Tourist Guides, Bazaar Histories, and the Politics of the Past

ICAS:MP TM1 Workshop

Conveners: Neeladri Bhattacharya (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), Indra Sengupta (GHI London)

Workshop programme (PDF file)

India International Center, New Delhi

22–24 March


Settlement and Unsettlement: The Ends of World War I and their Legacies

2018 Annual Conference of the Max Weber Foundation

Conveners: Max Weber Foundation, German Historical Institute (GHI) Washington DC, American Historical Association (AHA) with the National History Center (NCH), German Historical Association (Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands, VHD) 

German Historical Institute Washington

23–24 March


European Democracies: Origins, Evolutions, Challenges – A Workshop in Memory of Peter Blickle

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Convened by Beat Kümin, Department of History, University of Warwick

19–20 April


Understanding Brexit: Britain and Europe in the Twentieth Century

Conveners: Andreas Wirsching, Martina Steber (both IfZ), Andreas Gestrich and Michael Schaich (both GHI London)

Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich

26–28 April


Contested Borders? Practising Empire, Nation and Region in the 19th and 20th Centuries

International Conference

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Levke Harders (Universität Bielefeld) and Falko Schnicke (GHI London)

4–5 May


Splendid Isolation? Insularity in British History

Arbeitskreis Großbritannien-Forschung / German Association for British Studies in cooperation with the German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Convenors: Wencke Meteling (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Andrea Wiegeshoff (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Christiane Eisenberg (HU Berlin) and Hannes Ziegler (GHI London)

Centre for British Studies (Großbritannienzentrum), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

11 May


Fourteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History

Organised by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society.

Conveners: Bridget Heal (University of St Andrews), Katherine Hill (Birkbeck, University of London), David Lederer (NUI Maynooth), Alison Rowlands (University of Essex) and Hannes Ziegler (GHI London)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Workshop programme (PDF file)

1 June


The Measurement of Economic Inequality

Venue: German Historical Institute London

GHI London in cooperation with the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge

Workshop programme (PDF file)

14–16 June


German Protestant Expatriate Congregations in the 20th Century. Between National Protestantism and Ecumenism

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Organised by the ‘Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte’ (Evangelical Working Group on Contemporary Church History) and the German Historical Institute London.

19–21 July


Movable Goods and Immovable Property. Gender, Law and Material Culture in Early Modern Europe (1450‒1850)

9th Conference of the European network ‘Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures’

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Annette Cremer (Gießen), Hannes Ziegler (London)

3–5 September


Anglo-German Doctoral Seminar in Early Modern Religious History

The Verein für Reformationsgeschichte (Society for Reformation History) and the German Historical Institute London (GHIL) are pleased to announce the first Anglo-German Doctoral Seminar in Early Modern Religious History.

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Organizers: Bridget Heal (St Andrews), Thomas Kaufmann (Göttingen), Matthias Pohlig (Münster), and Michael Schaich (GHIL). With participation from Anselm Schubert (Erlangen), Alexandra Walsham (Cambridge), Jonathan Willis (Birmingham), and Markus Wriedt (Frankfurt).

18–20 October


Living the German Revolution: Expectations, Experiences, Responses

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Christopher Dillon (King’s College London), Christina von Hodenberg (GHIL), Steven Schouten (University of Amsterdam), Kim Wünschmann (LMU München)

12–14 November

India Research Programme EventWorkshop

Interrogating Marginality: Education and the Urban

India Centre: Transnational Research Group: Education and the Urban

Concept note (PDF file)
Workshop programme (PDF file)

National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore

15–17 November


The Global Knowledge of Economic Inequality

German Historical Institute London

Convened by Dr Felix Römer, GHIL

14 December


Scribal News and News Cultures in Late Stuart and Early Georgian Britain


  • History of Parliament Trust, 18 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NS (morning)
  • German Historical Institute London, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ (afternoon)

Coorganized by Robin Eagles (History of Parliament Trust), Charles Littleton (History of Parliament Trust) and Michael Schaich (German Historical Institue London)


12-13 January

Postgraduate Students Conference

Postgraduate Students Conference 2017

10–12 February


Weber in London: Opera and Cosmopolitanism

Conference in association with the Royal College of Music, the Internationale Carl Maria von Weber Gesellschaft and King’s College London

More information is available on the Royal College of Music website.

Royal College of Music

14 February


The Mythification of Charlemagne

Joint workshop with the Department of German and Dutch at the University of Cambridge

Organisers: Marc Chinca (Cambridge), Thomas Foerster (Cambridge), Michael Schaich (GHIL) and Christopher Young (Cambridge)

Venue: German Historical Institute London, Seminar Room

5 May


Workshop on Medieval Germany

Organised by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society.

Conveners: Len Scales (Durham University) and Cornelia Linde (GHIL)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

8–10 May


The Long End of the First World War: Ruptures, Continuities, and Memories

Herrenhausen Symposium Organisers: Leibniz University of Hanover; Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO); Volkswagen Foundation; German Historical Institute London

Venue: Herrenhausen Palace, Herrenhäuser Straße 4A, 30419 Hannover, Germany

The summary report, written by Tessa Lobbes, is available as a download from the Volkswagen Stiftung website. You can also watch and listen to selected talks via "L.I.S.A. - The science portal of the Gerda Henkel Foundation".

Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover, Germany

19–20 May


Competitors & Companions: Britons and Germans in the World (19th & 20th Century)

ADEF Annual Conference 2017

Convenors: Julia Eichenberg (Humboldt University Berlin), Daniel Steinbach (University of Exeter), Tobias Becker (DHI London)

Venue: Centre for British Studies (Großbritannienzentrum), Humboldt Universität, Berlin

Call for Papers (PDF file)

Conference Programme (PDF file)

Conference report (PDF file), published in: GHIL Bulletin 39 (2017), Vol 2

1–2 June


The Divided Nation: German–German History 1945–1990

Workshop organized by the London School of Economics and Political Science, the German Historical Institute London, and the Gerda Henkel Foundation

Conveners: Dominik Geppert (GHIL/University of Bonn), Stefan Creuzberger (University of Rostock), and Dierk Hoffmann (Institute of Contemporary History, Munich–Berlin).

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Conference report (PDF file), published in: GHIL Bulletin 39 (2017), Vol 2

22–24 June


Moralising Commerce in a Globalising World: Multidisciplinary Approaches to a History of Economic Conscience, 1600–1900

Convenors: Felix Brahm (GHIL) and Eve Rosenhaft (University of Liverpool)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

10–21 July


Global Humanitarianism Research Academy

Academy Leaders: Fabian Klose (Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz), Johannes Paulmann (Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz), Andrew Thompson (University of Exeter), in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (Geneva) and with support by the German Historical Institute London

Venues: Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz & Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva Dates: 10–21 July 2017

4–8 September

Summer School

15th Summer School in British History
Understanding the Nation: Transformations of the British Nation State in the Twentieth Century

Conveners/Organisers: Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maxiliams-Universität München; German Historical Institute London

Venue: German Historical Institute London

14–16 September


Cultures of Conservatism in the United States and Western Europe between the 1970s and 1990s

Conveners: Martina Steber (Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin), Anna von der Goltz (Georgetown University, Washington, DC) and Tobias Becker (German Historical Institute London).

The conference is supported by the Thyssen Foundation.

Venue: German Historical Institute London

27–29 September

ConferenceTRG Event

Poverty and Education from the 19th Century to the Present: India and Comparative Perspectives

Max Weber Foundation Transnational Research Group - India “Poverty Reduction and Policy for the Poor between the State and Private Actors: Education Policy in India since the Nineteenth Century”

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Programme (PDF file)


Medieval History Seminar
12–14 October

Organised by the German Historical Institute London and the German Historical Institute Washington, D.C.Conveners: Stuart Airlie (University of Glasgow), Paul Freedman (Yale), Bernhard Jussen (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main), Ruth Mazo Karras (University of Minnesota), Len Scales (Durham University), and Dorothea Weltecke (Universität Konstanz)Venue: German Historical Institute London

8–10 November


Shaping the Officer: Communities and Practices of Accountability in Premodern Europe

Conveners: María Ángeles Martín Romera (LMU Munich), Hannes Ziegler (GHI London)

Venue: German Historical Institute London


7–8 January

Postgraduate Students Conference

Postgraduate Students Conference 2016

21–22 January


Cultural Encounters during Global War, 1914–1918

Convenors: Dr Santanu Das, King’s College London; Prof Andreas Gestrich, German Historical Institute; Dr Daniel Steinbach, King’s College London

Venues: King’s College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS (21. Jan.) and German Historical Institute London (22. Jan.)

12–14 February


German Song Onstage 1770–1914

Conference Committee: Natasha Loges, Royal College of Music; Laura Tunbridge, Oxford University; Andreas Gestrich, German Historical Institute London

Royal College of Music and Wigmore Hall

6 May


Thirteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History

Organised by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society, to be held at the GHIL.

Conveners: Bridget Heal (University of St. Andrews), David Lederer (NUI Maynooth), Michael Schaich (German Historical Institute London), Jenny Spinks (University of Manchester)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

19–21 May


Spaces and Places of Leisure, Recreation, and Sociability in Early Modernity (c.1500–1800)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Convener: Angela Schattner

1–3 June

TRG EventWorkshop

Sixth TRG ‘Poverty and Education in India’ Workshop: Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Presentations

Venue: Akademie Waldschlösschen und Göttingen University

Workshop programme (PDF file)

9–11 June


Cultures of Intelligence

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Co-organized by: University of Potsdam, University of Leeds, University of Mannheim and the German Historical Institute London. 

16–18 June


The Contemporary History of Historiography: International Perspectives on the Making of Professional History

Conference co-organised by the Leibniz Research Group on Historiography, University of Trier and the German Historical Institute London

Venue: German Historical Institute London

18–22 July

ConferenceSummer School

14th Summer School in British History
The Scientific Revolution

Conveners/Organisers: Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maxiliams-Universität München; German Historical Institute London

Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

8–10 September


Max Weber’s Hinduism and Buddhism: Reflections on a Sociological Classic 100 Years On

Organisers: Peter Flügel (SOAS) and Sam Whimster (Max Weber Studies) in cooperation with the German Historical Institute London, Nehru Centre London, Max Weber Kolleg Erfurt, and the British Sociological Association

SOAS, Russell Square: College Buildings


The Protestant Reformation and Its Radical Critiques
15–17 September

Joint Conference by the Volkswagen Foundation, the University of St Andrews and the German Historical Institute, LondonVenue: German Historical Institute London

29–30 September


The Allied Occupation of Germany Revisited: New Research on the Western Zones of Occupation, 1945-1949

Conveners: Dr Christopher Knowles (King’s College London), Dr Camilo Erlichman (Edinburgh/Cologne) German Historical Institute, London

Venue: German Historical Institute London

10–11 November


Pop Nostalgia: The Uses of the Past in Popular Culture

Joint Workshop with the BSSH South Sport and Leisure History Network

Venue: German Historical Institute London

1–3 December


The Best Ideas? Natures, Nations, and Collective Memory

Conveners: Andreas Gestrich (German Historical Institute London), Frank Uekötter (University of Birmingham) Venue: German Historical Institute London

12–13 December


The De-Industrialising City: Urban, Architectural, and Socio-Cultural Perspectives

Joint Workshop with the Society for the Promotion of Urban Discussion (SPUD)Venue: German Historical Institute London

15–17 December

ConferenceICAS Event

The City as a Site of the Political: Themes in Urban History, Infrastructure, and Culture

More information is available on the website.

Centre for the Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta, Kolkata


8–9 January

Postgraduate Students Conference

Postgraduate Students Conference 2015

5–7 February


Dreams of Germany – Music and (Trans)national Imaginaries in the Modern Era

Keynote Speakers: Celia Applegate (Vanderbilt); Berthold Hoeckner (Chicago)

Convenors: Andreas Gestrich (GHIL); Neil Gregor (Southampton); Tom Irvine (Southampton)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

24–25 March


Ignorance and Non-knowledge in Early Modern Expansion

Convenor: Susanne Friedrich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)

16–18 April


Friedrich Max Müller and the Role of Philology in Victorian Thought

Collaborating institutions: Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations, Queen Mary University of London; English Goethe Society; German Historical Institute, London

Convenors: John R. Davis (Kingston University); Angus Nicholls (Queen Mary University of London)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

8 May


Twelfth Workshop on Early Modern German History

Organised by the German Historical Institute London in co-operation with the German Historical Institute Washington and the German History Society

Conveners: Bridget Heal (University of St Andrews), David Lederer (NUI Maynooth), Angela Schattner (GHIL), Jenny Spinks (University of Manchester)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

16 July


Languages of the Global: Women and International Political Thought

Organized in co-operation with Birkbeck and SOAS and co-funded by the CHASE Consortium of the Humanities and the Arts in South East England

Venue: German Historical Institute London

20–24 July

Summer School

13th Summer School in British History
Natural History, Politics and Religion in the Victorian Age

Conveners/Organisers: Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maxiliams-Universität München; German Historical Institute London

Venue: German Historical Institute London

17–18 September


Interdisciplinary Inroads into the Social History of Post-War Europe

In cooperation with University College London and Queen Mary University London

Convenors: Christina von Hodenberg (QMUL) – Bernhard Rieger (UCL) – Felix Römer (GHIL)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

1–3 October


Nostalgia: Historicizing the Longing for the Past

Conveners: Tobias Becker (GHIL)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

15–17 October


Medieval History Seminar

Conveners: Paul Freedman (Yale), Ruth Mazo Karras (University of Minnesota), Stuart Airlie (University of Glasgow), Miri Rubin (Queen Mary University of London), Bernhard Jussen (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main) and Frank Rexroth (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen).

Venue: German Historical Institute Washington, 1607 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington DC 20009 - U.S.A.

German Historical Institute Washington

22–24 October


The Global Public: Its Power and its Limits

Conveners: Valeska Huber (GHIL) and Jürgen Osterhammel (Leibnizpreis-Forschungsstelle Globale Prozesse, Universität Konstanz)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

19–20 November


Emotional Journeys: Itinerant Theatres, Audiences, and Adaptation in the Long 19th Century

Conveners/Organisers: Max Planck Institute for Human Development; German Historical Institute London

Venue: German Historical Institute London

25–28 November

TRG EventWorkshop

Fifth TRG ‘Poverty and Education in India’ Workshop: PhD and Postdoctoral Presentations

Workshop programme   (PDF file)

India International Centre, New Delhi


9–10 January

Postgraduate Students Conference

Postgraduate Students Conference 2014

6–8 February


Intelligence in World History, c. 1500–1918

Organised by Christopher Andrew (Cambridge), Andreas Gestrich (London), Tobias Graf (Heidelberg), Daniel Larsen (Cambridge), Sönke Neitzel (London)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

22 February

TRG EventWorkshop

Oral History Workshop

Review workshop organised by the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi

Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) / Centre for Historical Studies (CHS), Delhi

6–8 March


Making and Breaking the Rules: Discussion, Implementation and Consequences of Dominican Legislation

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Convener: Cornelia Linde (GHIL)

20–21 March


The Culture of the Upper Rhine Valley in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance

Organised by: Cornelia Linde (German Historical Institute), Nigel Palmer (Oxford), Stephen Mossman (Liverpool) and Peter Mack (Warburg Institute)

Venues: (Thursday) German Historical Institute London; (Friday) Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

5–7 June


War and Childhood in the Age of the World Wars

Conveners: Mischa Honeck (GHI Washington), James Marten (Marquette University), Andreas Gestrich (GHI London), Arndt Weinrich (GHI Paris)

Venue: German Historical Institute Washington

19–20 June


Remembering (Post)Colonial Violence: Silence, Suffering & Reconciliation

Conveners: Eva Bischoff (University of Trier/ Martin Buber Society of Friends, Hebrew University), Elizabeth Buettner (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Venue: German Historical Institute London

14–18 July

Summer School

12th Summer School in British History
1066 – The Norman Conquest

Conveners/Organisers: Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maxiliams-Universität München; German Historical Institute London

Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

4 September


Philosophy’s Problem with Religion: The Interplay of Faith and Reason from Scholasticism to Enlightenment

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Convenor: Cornelia Linde (German Historical Institute London)

27–28 September


The Meaning of 1914

Venue: Nissan Lecture Theatre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford

Conveners: Simon Head, The New York Review of Books Foundation; Margaret MacMillan, St Antony's College

St. Antony’s College, Oxford

29 September–1 October


Dynamics of Social Change and Perceptions of Threat

Organised in collaboration with SFB Tübingen, Bedrohte Ordnungen / Threatened Orders

Venue: German Historical Institute London

6–8 October


All At Sea: The Prize Papers as a Source for a Global Microhistory

This conference is organized by the National Archives, Kew, in cooperation with the German Historical Institute London, the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and the Huygens Institute, The Hague.

The National Archives, Kew

10 October


‘Only doing my Duty’: Defining Perpetrators in Relation to State Sanctioned Violence

This workshop is organized by the “Reverberations of the Second World War in Germany and Europe” research group at University College London (directed by Professor Mary Fulbrook and Dr Stephanie Bird) in co-operation with the German Historical Institute London.

Venue: German Historical Institute London

(please note: the film viewing on 9th October will take place at University College London, Garwood Theatre, UCL South Wing, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT)

23–25 October


Inside World War One? Ego Documents and the Experience of War

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Richard Bessel (University of York) Heather Jones/Sönke Neitzel (London School of Economics) and Dorothee Wierling (German Historical Institute London)

10–11 November


Germany and Great Britain since 1914: Promises and Pitfalls of Comparisons and Transnational Analyses

Workshop for Postgraduate Students Organised by the German Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in cooperation with the German Historical Institute London

Venue: German Historical Institute London

What are the promises and pitfalls of doing cross-national comparative and transnational research? Which research questions drive our agendas, and in how far are they rooted in specific academic traditions? The workshop aims to foster the exchange between young researchers from Great Britain and Germany.

Call for papers (PDF file)

13–14 November


Society, Rule, and Their Representation in Medieval Britain

Organised by Julia Crispin and Cornelia Linde

Venue: German Historical Institute London

Attendance is free; there is no need to register.

Conference programme (PDF file)