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Prof Dr Christina von Hodenberg


+44 020 7309 2023 ORCID-ID

Christina von Hodenberg is a historian of modern Germany and Britain with a particular interest in political protest, the role of media and the law, gender regimes, feminism, and generations.

My most recent work engages with questions of ageing, value change, and the challenges faced by historians who want to access and re-analyse quantitative and qualitative sources generated by twentieth-century social scientists.

Prior to joining the GHIL as Director in September 2018, I held faculty positions at Queen Mary University of London, the University of Freiburg, and the University of California, Berkeley. My doctorate is from Bielefeld University, and I won a Humboldt Research Award in 2014 which enabled me to spend a joyous year at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in 2014–15. My books have explored topics as diverse as the role of Prussian judges during the revolution of 1848–9, the 1844 revolt of Silesian weavers (Germany’s most famous working-class protest), political journalism in post-war West Germany, and the impact of television on the 1960s cultural revolution in Britain, the United States, and West Germany. My alternative account of late-1960s protest in West Germany (Das andere Achtundsechzig) generated much discussion in academia and beyond when it came out in 2018. A revised version of this monograph, situating the German case within the Western European ‘1968’, will appear in English translation in 2024 with Oxford University Press.

I am also affiliated with Queen Mary University of London’s School of History, where I continue to supervise postgraduate research students and postdoctoral scholars. Enquiries by prospective applicants are welcome.


Research Project

Ageing and ‘Doing Gender’ in the Era of Value Change

A black and white photograph of St. Pauli-Landungsbrücken, Hamburg, 1965, featuring several older ladies and one younger man, all sitting on benches

Scholars tend to write the cultural history of post-war Germany and Britain from the perspective of youth, tracing epochal shifts to the protests and subcultures of the younger generation. For the 1960s and 1970s, a period of affluence and value transformation, alleged conflicts between male educated youth and their authoritarian fathers often serve to explain political change. This project shifts the focus onto the complex roles of middle-aged and elderly people, and particularly onto ageing women. It explores the 1960s generation gap in new ways by focusing on how older people related to changing mores, the gendered subtext of contemporary clashes, the agency of women, and the intermediary position of the middle generation.

Research Project

Writing Contemporary History with Social Science Data: Plans for a Digital Infrastructure

Image of an office with several people working on stacks of the BOLSA audiotapes

Social science data – the sources generated through state-sponsored data collection or social science research from the 1940s onwards – are a new challenge for contemporary historians. While they allow unique insights into the social history and experience of ordinary citizens, they come with strings attached. Social science data often lack adequate documentation of the context within which they were collected. Their re-use may be restricted by data protection laws and ethical issues. They may never have been systematically archived or may come in formats that require additional skills and methodical ingenuity to access (such as old statistical software or video cassettes). I trialled the re-use of social science data in my work on the ‘Bonn Longitudinal Study of Ageing’, a large-scale gerontological project conducted at the University of Bonn from 1964 to 1984. These sources are now accessible in an online data archive. I also co-lead the ‘Arbeitskreis Sozialdaten und Zeitgeschichte’, a working group of German historians which explores and promotes new digital infrastructures in this area.

Further projects

Christina von Hodenberg is also involved in the research group on the history of Euroscepticsm, and is a member of the media history module of the ICAS Meriankolleg ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’.

Research Interests

  • Ageing and the elderly in Germany and Britain after 1945
  • Political culture in 19th- and 20th-century Germany and Britain
  • Gender regimes and the history of feminisms
  • Popular protest and revolutions
  • Generations in contemporary history
  • Research-generated social science data as historical sources
  • Digital humanities methods for historians
  • The history of journalism, mass media, television
  • Value change, sexuality, kinship, and gender since 1960
  • Comparisons and transnational links between Germany, the UK, and the US
  • Legal history and the role of lawyers
  • The history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte)
  • Coming to terms with the Nazi past

Education and Academic Background

2018– Director of the GHIL
2012– Professor of European History, Queen Mary University of London
2007–2012 Reader in European History, Queen Mary University of London
2006–2007 Senior Lecturer in European History, Queen Mary University of London
2004 Habilitation for Modern and Contemporary History, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2002–2005 DAAD Visiting Assistant / Associate Professor of History, University of California at Berkeley
2000–2001 John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
1995–2002 Assistant Professor of History, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
1992–1995 Ph.D. in Modern History, Universität Bielefeld
1987–1991 MA in Modern History, Eastern European History and German Literature, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Fellowships, Grants, and Scholarships


Co-PI for Research Group on Eurosceptic networks in the history of European integration


Co-PI for DFG grant on ‘Social Data and Contemporary History’


Principal Investigator for Research Group on ‘Medialization and Empowerment’


Principal Investigator for two EU Marie Curie-Fellowships


Volkswagen Stiftung grant for Digitization of Bonner Längsschnittstudie des Alterns, with Historisches Datenzentrum Sachsen-Anhalt,  Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Visiting Professor at Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Leibniz Summer Fellowship, Zentrum für Zeitgeschichtliche Forschung Potsdam


John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University

May 1998

DAAD Visiting Professorship, The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, Université de Montréal

Honours and Distinctions

2014 Humboldt Research Award
2009 First prize, ‘Das Historische Buch’ (H-Soz-u-Kult) for the book ‘Konsens und Krise’, in the media history category
1996 Dissertation prize, Westfälisch-Lippische Universitätsgesellschaft, for ‘Die Partei der Unparteiischen’

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Editorial Board, Journal of Modern European History
  • Editorial Board, German History
  • Editorial Board, Historical Social Research
  • Chair of Advisory Council, Zentrum für Zeitgeschichtliche Forschung Potsdam (2015-2022)
  • Advisory Council, Hamburger Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte
  • Advisory Council, Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University
  • Board member, Leo Baeck Institute
  • Board member, German History Society (2006–2011; 2018–)
  • Advisory Council, Institute for Historical Research, London (2010–2014)
  • Co-convener, Modern German History Seminar, Institute for Historical Research, London (2006–2015)
  • Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
  • Member of Verband Deutscher Historiker und Historikerinnen



Monographs and Edited Volumes

with Raphael Rössel and Gabriele Lingelbach, Historicizing Familial Care for People with Disabilities in Modern Europe, special issue of Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming 2024)

with Philipp Müllert, ‘Euroskeptics’ in European Integration History, special issue of Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming 2024)

with Fiammetta Balestracci and Isabel Richter, An Era of Value Change: The Long 1970s in Europe. Studies of the German Historical Institute London (Oxford, 2024)

The Other ’68: A Social History of West Germany’s Revolt. Translated by Rachel Ward (Oxford, 2024) (überarbeitete Übersetzung von Das andere Achtundsechzig. Gesellschaftsgeschichte einer Revolte. München, 2018)

with Jane Freeland, Archiving, Exhibiting, and Curating the History of Feminisms in the Global 20th Century, special issue of Women's History Review, vol. 32 (2023)

Das andere Achtundsechzig: Gesellschaftsgeschichte einer Revolte (Munich, 2018) [Read more]

Television's Moment: Sitcom Audiences and the Sixties Cultural Revolution (New York, 2015) [Read more]

Konsens und Krise: Eine Geschichte der westdeutschen Medienöffentlichkeit, 1945 bis 1973 (Göttingen, 2006) [Read more]

with Detlef Siegfried (eds.), Wo ’1968’ liegt: Reform und Revolte in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik (Göttingen, 2006) [Read more]

Aufstand der Weber: Die Revolte von 1844 und ihr Aufstieg zum Mythos (Bonn, 1997) [Read more]

Die Partei der Unparteiischen: Der Liberalismus der preußischen Richterschaft, 1815–1848/49, Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 113 (Göttingen, 1996) [Read more]

Articles and Chapters


with Kerstin Brückweh, Eva Gajek, Reiko Hayashi, Jon Lawrence, Maria Francisca Rengifo Streeter, and Daria Tisch, Roundtable ʻSocial science data as a challenge for contemporary historyʼ, in Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming 2024)

with Raphael Rössel and Gabriele Lingelbach, ʻIntroduction: Disability and Family Care in Modern European Historyʼ, in Historicizing Familial Care for People with Disabilities in Modern Europe, special issue of Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming 2024)

with Philipp Müller, ʻIntroduction: Historical Perspectives on Criticisms of European Integrationʼ, in ‘Euroskeptics’ in European Integration History, special issue of Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming 2024)

‘Disciplining Girls in German families: Gendered Childhood Experiences of Violent and Authoritarian Parenting in Germany from the 1890s to the 1940s’, in Mary E. John and Elisabeth Schömbucher-Kusterer (eds.), Querying Childhood [ICAS:MP series], (London/New Delhi, submitted, forthcoming 2024)

with Fiammetta Balestracci and Isabel Richter: ʻIntroduction: The Long 1970s in Europe as a Transformational Period towards Post-Rational Valuesʼ, in An Era of Value Change: The Long 1970s in Europe [Studies of the German Historical Institute, London], (Oxford, 2024), 3–29

with Kai Naumann and Pascal Siegers, ‘Wie Archive und Forschungsdaten zueinanderfinden – ein gegenseitiger Lernprozess’, in Archiv in Theorie und Praxis, 3/2023

with Jane Freeland, ‘Archiving, Exhibiting, and Curating the History of Feminisms in the Global Twentieth Century: An Introduction’, in Archiving, Exhibiting, and Curating the History of Feminisms in the Global 20th Century, special issue of Women's History Review, 32 (2023)

with Pascal Siegers, ‘Alte Frauen in der Bundesrepublik am Beispiel der BOLSA-Sozialdaten: Eine Korrespondenzanalyse nach Bourdieu’, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 48/1 (2022), 59–88 [Read here]

with Kerstin Brückweh, Pascal Siegers, Lutz Raphael, Sabine Reh, Clemens Villinger, Kathrin Zöller, ‘Sozialdaten als Quellen der Zeitgeschichte: Zur Einführung’, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 48/1 (2022), 5–27 [Read here]

‘Television Viewers and Feminism in 1970s North America: How All in the Family Drove Value Change’, in Ravi Vasudevan (ed.), Media and the Constitution of the Political: South Asia and Beyond (New Delhi, 2022), 195-217 [Read here]

‘Die Stimmen der Alten: Die BOLSA-Forschungsdaten als Quellen der deutschen Zeitgeschichte’, Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, 17 (2020), 403-421 [Read here]

‘Zur Generation der 45er: Stärken und Schwächen eines Deutungsmusters’, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 4–5 (2020) [Read here]

‘Carolina Rahm und das deutsche Jahrhundert der Extreme’, in Jörg Später and Thomas Zimmer (eds.), Lebensläufe im 20. Jahrhundert (Göttingen, 2019), 167-185

‘Writing Women's Agency into the History of the Federal Republic: “1968,” Historians, and Gender’, Central European History, 52/1 (2019), 87–106 [Read here]

‘Gesellschaftsgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf das westdeutsche “Achtundsechzig”’, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 38/39 (2018), 31–36 [Read here]

‘Square-Eyed Farmers and Gloomy Ethnographers: The Advent of Television in the West German Village’, Journal of Contemporary History, 51 (2016), 839–65 [Read here]

‘Expeditionen in den Methodendschungel: Herausforderungen der Zeitgeschichtsforschung im Fernsehzeitalter’, Journal of Modern European History, 10 (2012), 24–48  [Read here]

‘Ekel Alfred und die Kulturrevolution: Unterhaltungsfernsehen als Sprachrohr der 68er-Bewegung?’, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 62 (2011), 557–72

‘Mass Media and the Generation of Conflict: West Germany’s Long Sixties and the Formation of a Critical Public Sphere’, Contemporary European History, 15/3 (2006), 367–95 [Read here]

‘Of German Fräuleins, Nazi Werewolves, and Iraqi Insurgents: The American Fascination with Hitler’s Last Foray’, Central European History, 41/1 (2008), 71–92 [Read here]

with Philipp Gassert, ‘Media: Government versus Market’, in Kiran Klaus Patel and Christof Mauch (eds.), The United States and Germany during the Twentieth Century: Competition and Convergence (Cambridge, 2010), 227–44 [Read here]

‘The Protest of Silesian Weavers in 1844: Household Strategies and Moral Concepts’, in Jan Kok (ed.), Rebellious Families: Household Strategies and Collective Action in the 19th and 20th Centuries, International Studies in Social History, vol. 3 (Oxford/Providence, 2002), 39–56

‘Politische Generationen und massenmediale Öffentlichkeit: Das Beispiel der Fünfundvierziger in der Bundesrepublik’, in Ulrike Jureit and Michael Wildt (eds.), Generationen: Zur Relevanz eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Grundbegriffs (Hamburg, 2005), 266–94

‘Der Fluch des Geldsacks: Der Aufstieg des Industriellen als Herausforderung bürgerlicher Werte’, in Manfred Hettling and Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (eds.), Der bürgerliche Wertehimmel: Innenansichten des 19. Jahrhunderts (Göttingen, 2000), 79–104

‘Mit dem Rotstift gegen die soziale Frage: Die preußische Pressezensur und der schlesische Weberaufstand 1844’, Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, NF 9 (1999), 91–122

Reviews and Miscellaneous Publications

Electronic publications

with Kathrin Zöller, Clemens Villinger, Pascal Siegers, Sabine Reh, Lutz Raphael, Kerstin Brückweh: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten als historische Quellen: Welche Infrastrukturbedarfe hat die zeitgeschichtliche Forschung?, RatSWD Working Paper 277/2022. Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) [Read here]


Radio interview: Die Rolle der Medien in der 68-er Protestbewegung, in: SRF-Sommerserie ‘100 Jahre Weltgeschichte im Radio – was Sie und uns bewegt’, SRF, 18 July 2024

Radio interview: Schlesischer Weberaufstand vs. Luddites, in: Zeitfragen, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 15 August 2024

Academic adviser and interviewee for the four-part podcast series ‘Alle Menschen müssen sterben, vielleicht auch ich’, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 30 August – 10 September 2022 [Listen here]