German Historical Institute London

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United Kingdom

Phone: Tel. +44-(0)20-7309 2050



Dr Marcus Meer


+44 020 7309 2036 ORCID-ID

Research Interests

  • England and Germany in the later Middle Ages (1300–1530)
  • Comparative history of towns and cities in premodern Europe
  • Visual communication of identities, institutions, and spaces
  • Interactions of texts, images, objects, and rituals
  • Intersections between urban and noble culture

Education and Academic Background

2020–2024 Research Fellow in Medieval History at the GHIL
2019–2020 Graduate Teaching Assistant, King’s College London
2017–2020 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Durham University
2015–2019 Ph.D. in History, Durham University, in collaboration with the University of Münster
2014–2015 Research Assistant on the project ‘Coats of Arms in Practice’ (Die Performanz der Wappen), University of Münster
2013–2014 MSt in Medieval History, University of Oxford
2010–2013 BA in History and Linguistics, University of Bielefeld

Fellowships, Grants, and Scholarships

2015–2018 Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Centre for Visual Arts and Culture, Durham University
  • AHRC Research Network ‘Inheriting the Family: Emotions, History, and Heritage’



Monographs and Edited Volumes

Heraldry in Urban Society: Visual Culture and Communication in Late Medieval England and Germany, Oxford Studies in Medieval European History, (Oxford, [forthcoming, c.07/2024])

with Len Scales, Disfigurements: Images of Power Subverted, Mutilated, and Erased in the European Middle Ages and Beyond, (Woodbridge [under contract])

Articles and Chapters

‘“I know where my ancestors are buried”: Tomb Monuments, Family Books, and Social Status in German-Speaking Cities’, in Paul Cockerham and Christian Steer (eds.), Tomb Monuments in Medieval Europe, (Donington [in press])

‘Städtische Wahrnehmungen von Bürgerwappen: Heraldische Kommunikation von symbolischem Kapital in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt’, in Ben Pope, Manfred Waßner und Tjark Wegner (eds.), Tagungsband der 59. Arbeitstagung des Südwestdeutschen Arbeitskreises für Stadtgeschichtsforschung, (Sigmaringen [in press])

‘Heraldic Display and Urban Space: The Visuality and Spatiality of Heraldic Conflict in Late Medieval Augsburg’, in Torsten Hiltmann and Laurent Hablot (eds.), Heraldry in the Medieval City: The Case of Italy in the European Context (Ostfildern [in press])

‘Pride and Prejudice in Stories of Medieval Travel and Migration: Introduction’, German Historical Institute London Bulletin 45/2 (2023), 3–26 (Read here)

'Heraldry, Corporate Identity, and the Battle for Symbolic Capital in Late Medieval London’, in The London Journal, 48:1, 1-29 (Read here)

with Mario Damen, ‘Heraldry and Territory: Coats of Arms and the Representation and Construction of Authority in Space’, in Mario Damen and Kim Overlaet (eds.), Constructing and Representing Territory in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Amsterdam, 2021), 245–75

‘Seeing Proof of Townsmen on the Move: Coats of Arms, Chivalric Badges, and the Visual Communication of Travel in the Later Middle Ages’, Journal of Early Modern History, 25 1-2 (Leiden, 2021), 11-38

‘Heraldry Topsy-Turvy: Depictions and Performances of Dishonour and Death’, in Ludmilla Jordanova and Florence Grant (eds.), Writing Visual History (London, 2020), 25-44

‘History on the Walls and Windows to the Past: Heraldic Commemoration of Historical Identity in Late Medieval English and German Town Halls’, in Torsten Hiltmann and Miguel Metelo de Seixas (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval State-Rooms (Ostfildern, 2020), 135–52

‘City and Countryside’, Torsten Hiltmann and Nigel Ramsay (eds.), in A Companion to Medieval Heraldry, (Leiden, forthcoming in 2020)

‘Heraldic Display and Urban Space: The Visuality and Spatiality of Heraldic Conflict in Late Medieval Augsburg’, in Torsten Hiltmann and Laurent Hablot (eds.), Heraldry in the Medieval City: The Case of Italy in the European Context (Ostfildern, 2020)

‘Reversed, Defaced, Replaced: Late Medieval London and the Heraldic Communication of Discontent and Protest’, Journal of Medieval History, 45/4 (2019), 618–45

‘Heraldry, Historiography and Urban Identity in Late Medieval Augsburg: The “Cronographia Augustensium” and the Gossembrot Armorial’, in Lisa Demets, Tineke Van Gassen, and Bram Caers (eds.), Urban History Writing in Northwest Europe (15th–16th Centuries) (Turnhout, 2019), 159–86

‘“Todos los ciuidadanos toman armas a su plazer”: Heraldic Self-Representation and Commemoration in Town Houses and Urban Churches’, England and Germany in the Late Middle Ages, Armas e Troféus: IX Série, 20 (2018), 139–70

‘Wappen, Rituale und Konflikte: Heraldische Kommunikation und die visuelle Kultur der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt in Deutschland und England’, Mitteilungen der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen: Neue Folge: Stadt und Hof, 7 (2018), 41–56

Reviews and Miscellaneous Publications


Benjamin Müsegades, ‘Heilige in der mittelalterlichen Bischofsstadt. Speyer und Lincoln im Vergleich (11. bis frühes 16. Jahrhundert), (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, Bd. 93)’, Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte, 93 (2022), 349-51

Barbara A. Hanawalt, ‘Ceremony and Civility: Civic Culture in Late Medieval London’, Urban History, 46/4 (2019), 768–70

Jan Keupp and Romedio Schmitz-Esser (eds.), ‘Neue alte Sachlichkeit: Studienbuch Materialität des Mittelalters’, German History, 34/4 (2016), 672–73

Blog posts

mit Stephan Bruhn, ‘Conference Report: The Politics of Iconoclasm in the Middle Ages, 1–2 September 2022’, German Historial Institute London Blog, 15 December 2022 (Read here)

'Workshop on Medieval Germany’, GHIL, 6. Mai 2022, German Historial Institute London Blog, 28 July 2022 (Read here)

'Twelfth Medieval History Seminar’, GHIL, 30 September to 2 October 2021, German Historial Institute London Blog, 11 November 2021 (Read here)

‘Broken Symbols: Display and Destruction during the Attack on the Capitol’, German Historical Institute London Blog, 20 January 2021 (Read here)

‘Heraldry is Vanity! Moral Criticism of Heraldic Commemoration in Germany—A European Phenomenon?’, Heraldica Nova, 24 January 2018, updated 5 July 2018 (Read here)

‘The Heraldry of the Weavers’ Guild of Augsburg: Mythical Origins and Everyday Display of Corporate Heraldry in Clemens Jäger’s “Weberchronik”’, Heraldica Nova, 10 June 2016, updated 25 October 2016 (Read here)